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In the East, everything is already Western. It is already the eastern West, that is, the eastern version of the West. These are the last decades of the East in the cultural and ordinary sense. And why is that so? Why is the East so deeply will impress the West?
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About the book
In the East, everything is already Western. It is already the eastern West, that is, the eastern version of the West. These are the last decades of the East in the cultural and ordinary sense.
And why is that so? Why is the East so deeply impressed by the West? Why is he imitating him so obsessively? Believe me, it’s a very trivial thing in the middle, Western arrogance.
The arrogance of Western culture is what impresses the East so deeply. In the West, culture was created and developed according to man.
Its scope is extraordinary, but it was created by a man of genius for the common man, not for God. And when the goal of art was in the service of Catholic propaganda, those works addressed the common man, the waver and the believer.
Over time, the waver was ennobled and became a citizen, and that was probably the goal. In contrast to the West, the Eastern cultural tradition was inspired by the beyond.
It was developed to please God, not man. Hence her heroism which was never possible in the West. It is a culture that acknowledges and glorifies only God, even when it is atheistic, its need for the divine is so strong that it is able to give a mortal the attributes of divinity just to have someone to worship.
On the other hand, the East owes a good part of its heroism to the West. If it were not for the bestiality of the West, its nurtured arrogance, its genetic Cainism, there would be no Eastern heroism either.

About the author
I am often asked what writing means to me
My response is that writing is a mischief of the spirit that will preserve our tiny sliver of time for eternity and that only dilettantes write using their everyday vocabulary. I appreciate a well-polished sentence since it best uncovers the reality in which we so joyfully exist.
Since “all that shines – does so by the grace of the Sun” and since nothing in literature is self-evident, but needs to be expressed, with your permission, I will take you to a place that will give you the strength to create your own morals and codes, always bearing in mind the wisdom of the ancestors and constantly yearning for the respect of descendants.
An excitingly told story that has several levels – criminal, psychological, philosophical and religious, and which branches in several directions – personal and collective. A picture of a presumed and possible man of the modern era, but also of an individual middle-aged man. Questions of the relationship between youth and adulthood, the relationship with historical heritage, homeland, climate, language and customs. Spatial transversal on the relationship Central Europe – Balkans – Mediterranean. Quite enough to read and enjoy! Recommendation!