Here, people spend their youth in dissatisfaction, their middle age in despair and frustration, and their old age in dullness and indifference.
From now on, everyone will spend their lives in dullness – but cheerfully! The world will be colorful and fairy-tale like from a picture book, and human emotions will know only the most primitive forms.
All this is done, if you ask me, to legitimize corruption, to elevate hypocrisy to the level of virtue, and to remove those who rebel from society! We will live again in a world that knows only about decorations and flags, about parades and processions, only about orgies and fornication!

About the author
I am often asked what writing means to me.
My response is that writing is a mischief of the spirit that will preserve our tiny sliver of time for eternity and that only dilettantes write using their everyday vocabulary. I appreciate a well-polished sentence since it best uncovers the reality in which we so joyfully exist.
Since “all that shines – does so by the grace of the Sun” and since nothing in literature is self-evident, but needs to be expressed, with your permission, I will take you to a place that will give you the strength to create your own morals and codes, always bearing in mind the wisdom of the ancestors and constantly yearning for the respect of descendants.
If religion, morality, ethics and written laws have always acted as a man’s backbone, undergoing re-evaluation with each new epoch, then we can rightly ask what is happening with that backbone today, when it is overshadowed by our need for hedonism without cover. This novel offers some possible answers to that question.
Observations about the author’s word choices – about my impressions when I first read the work – as the copy-editor of the “Camera obscura” novel.
A garden.
That was my first impression.
A living garden – with a variety of words nurtured to grow and scent, or to stand firm, orto defend worthily with thorns, or to sweeten the spirit with long-awaited fruit.
A garden with a personal stamp.
The precision in the weaving of the narrative allowed me, most often, to pause in reading with quiet joy – to absorb the image or to ponder. I am grateful that my reader’s mind had the opportunity to dance with this novel.
„Pančevačko Popodne” – TV Pančevo
„Razgovori sa piscima” – IBN Studio